הנה העניין. When done correctly, front squats areעָדִין. They might not be the world's most comfortable exercise, but it's not like squatting with a bar on your back is super comfy either. If you “can't” front squat, or if it hurts your wrists or your neck, try these tips:
Another difference is that front squats require your knees to travel forward of your toes. When you're doing a back squat, you have the choice of either staying more upright and pushing your knees forward, or leaning your butt back more, which keeps your shins more vertical and usually keeps your knees behind your toes. איןבְּטִיחוּתreason to worry about where your knees are relative to your toes (that's an old myth) but you may find that your Achilles tendons, between your calves and heels, are too tight to allow you to get below parallel with your heels still on the ground . In this case, it helps to wear